Things To Do in Greece - Greece Visa Requirements - Greece Visa For Pakistani Nationals

11/09/2023's Comprehensive Guide to Greece Visa Requirements and Top Things to Do in Greece

Welcome to's complete guide on Greece visa requirements and the top things to do in Greece. Whether you're a Pakistani national planning to visit this stunning Mediterranean country or simply looking for the best activities and attractions, we have you covered. Let's dive into the details!

Greece Visa Requirements for Pakistani Nationals:

Greece Visa Types:

Greece offers various types of visas, including tourist visas, business visas, and more. The specific type you need depends on the purpose of your visit.

Greece Visa Document Requirements:

  • Valid passport with a minimum of 6 months validity.
  • Visa application form (available on the Greece Embassy website).
  • Passport-sized photographs meeting Schengen visa photo requirements.
  • Proof of travel insurance.
  • Flight itinerary.
  • Hotel reservations or an invitation letter from a host in Greece.
  • Proof of financial means.
  • Proof of ties to Pakistan (employment letter, property documents, etc.).
  • Schengen visa fee payment receipt.

Greece Embassy in Pakistan:

You can obtain the necessary visa information and application forms from the Greece Embassy in Pakistan. Make sure to check their website for the latest updates.

Bank Balance Requirement:

While there is no specific figure mentioned, it is advisable to have a sufficient bank balance to cover your travel expenses during your stay in Greece. A bank statement with a healthy balance can strengthen your visa application.

Schengen Visa:

Greece is a part of the Schengen Area. If you plan to visit multiple Schengen countries, you should apply for a Schengen visa. The bank statement requirement for Schengen visas from Pakistan can vary but generally should reflect your ability to financially support your trip.

Application Process:

The application process for a Greece visa from Pakistan involves filling out the visa application form, submitting the required documents, attending an interview (if necessary), and paying the visa fee.

Top Things to Do in Greece:

1. Visit the Acropolis in Athens:

The Acropolis is a symbol of ancient Greece and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, and the Acropolis Museum.

2. Santorini Sunset:

Witness breathtaking sunsets in Santorini, one of the most romantic destinations in the world.

3. Explore Mykonos:

Mykonos offers stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and picturesque villages.

4. Discover Ancient Delphi:

Visit the Oracle of Delphi and explore the archaeological site of Delphi, a center of worship in ancient Greece.

5. Island-Hopping:

Explore the Greek Islands, each with its unique charm, including Crete, Rhodes, and Corfu.

6. Taste Greek Cuisine:

Indulge in Greek delicacies like moussaka, souvlaki, and baklava at local tavernas.

7. Hike the Samaria Gorge:

Experience adventure and natural beauty by hiking the Samaria Gorge in Crete.

8. Delve into History in Thessaloniki:

Visit the White Tower and Rotunda, remnants of the Roman and Byzantine past.

9. Relax in Zakynthos:

Enjoy the stunning beaches and the famous Shipwreck Beach in Zakynthos.

10. Experience Greek Festivals:

Participate in local festivals, such as the Athens Epidaurus Festival and the Carnival of Patras.

FAQs: Greece Visa from Pakistan

What activities can be done in Greece?

Greece offers a wide range of activities, including exploring historical sites, relaxing on beautiful beaches, enjoying vibrant nightlife, and indulging in delicious Greek cuisine.

What not to be missed in Greece?

Don't miss the Acropolis in Athens, Santorini's sunset, island-hopping, and tasting Greek dishes.

What is the #1 tourist attraction in Greece?

The Acropolis in Athens is arguably the top tourist attraction in Greece.

What activities is Greece known for?

Greece is known for its historical sites, island-hopping, water sports, and delectable Mediterranean cuisine.

What are the best things to do in Greece at night?

Enjoy nightlife in Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini with bars, clubs, and beach parties.

What are the best adventurous things to do in Greece?

Adventure seekers can explore the Samaria Gorge, go windsurfing in Naxos, or trek Mount Olympus.

What is the most common thing to do in Greece?

Visiting ancient historical sites and lounging on picturesque beaches are common activities in Greece.

How many days do you need in Greece?

Ideally, plan for at least 7-10 days to explore the main attractions in Greece.

How can I get a Greece visa from Pakistan?

Follow the Greece visa application process, including filling out the application form, providing required documents, attending an interview if necessary, and paying the visa fee.

How much bank balance is required for a Greece tourist visa?

While there's no specific amount mentioned, it's recommended to have sufficient funds to cover your travel expenses during your stay in Greece.

How much bank statement is required for a Schengen visa from Pakistan?

The required bank statement amount for a Schengen visa can vary, but it should demonstrate your financial capacity to support your trip.

What are the requirements for a Greece visa?

Greece visa requirements include a valid passport, visa application form, passport photos, travel insurance, flight itinerary, hotel reservations or invitation letter, proof of financial means, and ties to Pakistan.

We hope this comprehensive guide helps you plan your trip to Greece and navigate the visa application process. Enjoy your journey to this beautiful Mediterranean destination!

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