Things To Do in Egypt - Egypt Visa Requirements - Egypt Visa For Pakistani Nationals


Egypt Visa Requirements for Pakistani Nationals - Complete Guidelines by is here to guide you through the Egypt visa application process for Pakistani nationals. We provide comprehensive information on visa requirements, top sights, family activities, and more to make your trip to Egypt hassle-free. Read on to discover what you need to know before applying for an Egypt visa from Pakistan.

Egypt Visa Requirements for Pakistani Nationals

1. Visa Application Process:

  • Visit the Egyptian embassy or consulate in Pakistan to obtain an Egypt visa application form.
  • Fill out the form accurately and provide all necessary documents.

2. Required Documents:

  • Valid Pakistani passport with at least 6 months validity from the date of entry.
  • Two recent passport-size photographs.
  • Completed visa application form.
  • Proof of sufficient funds to cover your stay in Egypt.
  • Travel itinerary, including flight reservations.
  • Hotel reservations or a letter of invitation from a host in Egypt.
  • Proof of travel insurance.
  • Police clearance certificate.
  • Visa application fee.

3. Visa Types:

  • Tourist Visa
  • Business Visa
  • Transit Visa

4. Visa Processing Time:

The processing time for an Egypt visa can vary but generally takes around 7-10 business days.

5. Visa Fee:

The Egypt visa fee for Pakistani nationals can also vary based on the type and duration of the visa. Visit the Egyptian embassy's website for the most up-to-date fee information.

Top Sights in Egypt

Explore Egypt's rich history and culture by visiting these top attractions:

  1. The Pyramids of Giza
  2. The Sphinx
  3. Luxor's Karnak Temple
  4. Valley of the Kings
  5. Abu Simbel Temples
  6. Egyptian Museum in Cairo
  7. Nile River Cruise
  8. Red Sea Resorts
  9. Siwa Oasis
  10. Aswan High Dam

Family Activities and Fun: Places To Visit In Egypt with Kids

  1. Khan El Khalili Bazaar
  2. Cairo Opera House
  3. Al-Azhar Park
  4. Sandboarding in the Desert
  5. Dolphin and Snorkeling Tours in Sharm El Sheikh

Embassy Requirements

Contact the Egyptian embassy or consulate in Pakistan for specific requirements and guidelines related to your visa application.

Top Sights in Egypt:

Egypt is a country steeped in history and boasts a wealth of incredible sights and attractions. Here are some of the top sights you shouldn't miss when visiting Egypt:

  • The Pyramids of Giza:
    These iconic structures, including the Great Pyramid of Khufu, are a testament to ancient Egyptian engineering and remain one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

  • The Sphinx:
    Adjacent to the pyramids, the Sphinx is a colossal statue with the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh.

  • Luxor's Karnak Temple:
    Located on the east bank of the Nile, this vast temple complex is dedicated to the god Amun and is a stunning example of ancient Egyptian architecture.

  • Valley of the Kings:
    On the west bank of the Nile near Luxor, this burial site contains tombs of pharaohs and nobles, including that of King Tutankhamun.

  • Abu Simbel Temples:
    These colossal temples in southern Egypt are famous for their massive statues and were relocated to higher ground during the construction of the Aswan High Dam.

  • Egyptian Museum in Cairo:
    Home to an extensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts, including the treasures of King Tutankhamun.

  • Nile River Cruise:
    Take a cruise down the Nile to explore various historical sites, including temples and villages along the riverbanks.

  • Red Sea Resorts:
    Egypt's Red Sea coast offers world-class diving and snorkeling opportunities, with resorts in cities like Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada.

  • Siwa Oasis:
    Located in the Western Desert, this oasis is known for its natural beauty and unique culture.

  • Aswan High Dam:
    This engineering marvel on the Nile River provides hydroelectricity and flood control and is worth a visit.

Family Activities and Fun: Places To Visit In Egypt with Kids:

Egypt is a fantastic destination for families, and there are plenty of kid-friendly activities and places to explore. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Khan El Khalili Bazaar:
    A bustling market in Cairo where kids can enjoy the vibrant atmosphere and shop for souvenirs.

  • Cairo Opera House:
    Occasionally hosts family-friendly shows and performances suitable for children.

  • Al-Azhar Park:
    A beautiful park in Cairo with green spaces, playgrounds, and great views of the city.

  • Sandboarding in the Desert:
    An exhilarating activity for older kids and teenagers in the desert dunes.

  • Dolphin and Snorkeling Tours in Sharm El Sheikh:
    Take a family-friendly snorkeling trip in the Red Sea to see colorful marine life.

Embassy Requirements:

Embassy requirements refer to the specific documents and procedures that must be followed when dealing with an embassy or consulate, particularly for visa applications or other official matters. These requirements can vary from one country to another and depend on the purpose of your visit, such as tourism, business, or study.

Egypt Visa - Application, Requirements - Residents of Pakistan:

This section would provide detailed information about the Egypt visa application process and requirements for residents of Pakistan. It should include details on how to obtain the visa application form, what documents are needed, the types of visas available (tourist, business, transit), and any specific requirements for Pakistani citizens.

Get Egypt Visa from Pakistan at low fee:

This section could offer advice or tips on how to minimize the cost of obtaining an Egypt visa for Pakistani nationals. It might include information on where to find the most affordable visa processing services or how to prepare your application to avoid unnecessary expenses.


What kind of activities can you do in Egypt?

Egypt offers a wide range of activities, including exploring historical sites, enjoying water sports in the Red Sea, shopping in bustling markets, and experiencing vibrant nightlife.

What are five fun things to do in Egypt?

  1. Camel ride in the desert.
  2. Scuba diving in the Red Sea.
  3. Explore ancient temples and tombs.
  4. Attend a traditional Egyptian music and dance show.
  5. Taste authentic Egyptian cuisine.

Is 2 weeks in Egypt enough?

Two weeks is a good amount of time to explore Egypt's major attractions and experience its diverse culture.

Which are the best things to do in Egypt?

The best things to do in Egypt include visiting the Pyramids of Giza, cruising the Nile River, exploring Luxor's historical sites, and relaxing on the Red Sea beaches.

What are the best adventure things to do in Egypt?

For adventure seekers, consider hiking in the Sinai Peninsula, diving in the Red Sea, or exploring the Western Desert's oases.

What are the things to do in Egypt in the month of December?

In December, you can enjoy pleasant weather and explore historical sites without the scorching heat. Don't miss the Luxor and Aswan temples, and consider a Nile River cruise.

Do Pakistani nationals need a visa for Egypt?

Yes, Pakistani nationals need a visa to visit Egypt. Please follow the application process outlined above.

How much is Egypt visa fee from Pakistan?

The Egypt visa fee for Pakistani nationals can vary depending on the type of visa. Contact the Egyptian embassy or consulate for the current fee structure.

How long does Egypt visa take for Pakistanis?

The processing time for an Egypt visa for Pakistanis is typically around 7-10 business days, but it may vary.

What documents are required for Egypt visit visa?

Refer to the "Required Documents" section above for a list of documents needed for an Egypt visit visa.

How can I apply for an Egypt visa from Pakistan?

Visit the Egyptian embassy or consulate in Pakistan to obtain the application form and follow the steps outlined in the "Visa Application Process" section.


Planning a trip to Egypt from Pakistan is an exciting endeavor. Make sure to follow the visa requirements and explore the incredible sights and activities Egypt has to offer. For the most up-to-date information, consult the Egyptian embassy or consulate in Pakistan. Enjoy your Egyptian adventure with!

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